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Monthly Digest: May 2023

Monthly Digest for May 2023

Bram Hubbell
Bram Hubbell
7 min read
Monthly Digest: May 2023
The Registan in Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

This is the ninth monthly digest. For those new to Liberating Narratives, I send a general update at the end of each month.

This month features some thoughts about my travels in Portugal and Spain and a story about traveling on the Silk Roads in China.

Some Reflections

For most teachers, May is the finish line. It might represent the AP Test or time to put together finals. For some teachers, it’s simply warmer weather and trying to keep students focused for one more month. It felt good to take a little break this month. As I mentioned earlier this month, I took a few weeks off from publishing new posts while walking the Camino Portugues from Porto to Santiago de Compostela. Even with that break, I published six posts!

I hope everyone gets a break during the summer if you’re in the northern hemisphere.

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