Subscription Summer Specials

Every teacher appreciates having some quiet time during summer. We also tend to start thinking about the upcoming school year at some point. For teachers who want to enrich their courses by presenting a greater variety of resources and perspectives, Liberating Narratives is offering a summer special on annual subscriptions for new subscribers.

For teachers who want to receive the weekly Friday posts and have access to the entire back catalog of Friday posts, I’m offering $10 off the annual subscription.

For teachers who want to receive both the Friday and Monday (primary sources that address specific parts of the AP World History curriculum) posts and to have access to the entire back catalog of Friday and Monday posts, I'm offering $15 off the annual subscription.

And for teachers who want access to all the posts and four one-on-one online sessions, I'm offering $50 off the annual subscription.
These specials will be valid until August 15, 2024.