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Dar al-Islam

Members Public

“People of All Tongues”: Teaching the Continuity of Religious Diversity in Dar al-Islam

Discussion of teaching the continutity of religious diversity in Dar al-Islam

“People of All Tongues”: Teaching the Continuity of Religious Diversity in Dar al-Islam
Members Public

“When Any of You Intend to Divorce”: Teaching Continuity and Divorce in the Medieval Islamic Middle East, c.600 - c.1600

A discussion of teaching continutiy using examples of divorce in the Islamic Middle East

“When Any of You Intend to Divorce”: Teaching Continuity and Divorce in the Medieval Islamic Middle East, c.600 - c.1600
Members Public

“The Plague Increased and Spread Further”: The Spread of the Black Death

A discussion of the spread of the Black Death to the Middle East

“The Plague Increased and Spread Further”: The Spread of the Black Death
Members Public

“Cairo Had Become an Abandoned Desert”: The Black Death in Egypt

A discussion of the Black Death in the Middle East

“Cairo Had Become an Abandoned Desert”: The Black Death in Egypt