Monthly Digest: February 2024
Digest for February 2024

“We Will Fight in Every Way We Can”: Teaching Decolonization from 1945 to 1955
Discussion of how to teach decolonization from 1945 to 1955 using African and Asian primary sources

“Conscious of Myself as a Kenya African”: The Effect of the Second World War on Colonial African Soldiers
Discussion of how the Second World affected African soldiers fighting in Asia.

“The Outbreak of the Present War”: Decolonization During and After the Second World War
Discussion of teaching decolonization’s connections to the Second World War and the Cold War

“Colonialism in all its Manifestations is an Evil”: Teaching Decolonization, 1914 to Present
Discussion of how to teach decolonization in world history courses and centering the agency of colonized peoples

“Their Voices Must Be Heard”: Women, Intersectionality, and Competing Global Visions in the Late Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries
A discussion of how to teach the world historical roots of present-day issues using sources by women from the Global South