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Middle East

Members Public

“People of All Tongues”: Teaching the Continuity of Religious Diversity in Dar al-Islam

Discussion of teaching the continutity of religious diversity in Dar al-Islam

“People of All Tongues”: Teaching the Continuity of Religious Diversity in Dar al-Islam
Members Public

“Escape the Prison of Our Narrative”: Teaching Israeli and Palestinian Nonviolence

Discussion of Palestinians and Israelis who have supported nonviolence in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries

“Escape the Prison of Our Narrative”: Teaching Israeli and Palestinian Nonviolence
Members Public

“Singing Two Different Lullabies at the Same Time”: Using Political Cartoons to Teach British Palestine, 1936-1948

Discussion of Palestinian and Jewish political cartoons from the 1930s and 1940s

“Singing Two Different Lullabies at the Same Time”: Using Political Cartoons to Teach British Palestine, 1936-1948
Members Public

“A Kind of Mutual Understanding Prevailed”: Competing Visions of Mandatory Palestine’s Future, 1920-1936

Discussion of teaching Israeli and Palestinian shared history between 1920 and 1936

“A Kind of Mutual Understanding Prevailed”: Competing Visions of Mandatory Palestine’s Future, 1920-1936
Members Public

“Hebrew with an Arabic Accent”: Teaching Israeli and Palestinian Shared History with Short Stories

Discussion of using short stories to teach twentieth century Israeli and Palestinian history

“Hebrew with an Arabic Accent”: Teaching Israeli and Palestinian Shared History with Short Stories
Members Public

“We Are All Poor Nowadays”: From Ottoman Palestine to British Mandatory Palestine, 1914-1920

Discussion of teaching the experiences of Palestinians and Israelis during the First World War

“We Are All Poor Nowadays”: From Ottoman Palestine to British Mandatory Palestine, 1914-1920
Members Public

“Study and Understand the Psyche of Our Neighbors”: Palestinian and Zionist Exchanges, 1899-1914

Discussion of teaching Palestinian and Zionist encounters at the beginning of the twentieth century

“Study and Understand the Psyche of Our Neighbors”: Palestinian and Zionist Exchanges, 1899-1914
Members Public

“Improves the Conditions of the Colonies”: The First Zionist Settlements in Ottoman Palestine

A discussion of using the first Zionist settlements in Ottoman Palestine to teach colonialism

“Improves the Conditions of the Colonies”: The First Zionist Settlements in Ottoman Palestine
Members Public

“When I Came to Jerusalem”: Teaching the Social Changes of Industrialization using Nineteenth Century Jerusalem

Teaching the social effects of industrialization

“When I Came to Jerusalem”: Teaching the Social Changes of Industrialization using Nineteenth Century Jerusalem
Members Public

“Identity is Always Complex”: Teaching the Shared Histories of Israelis and Palestinians

Discussion of how to move beyond teaching the Israeli and Palestinian conflict and instead teach the shared histories of Palestinians and Israelis from a world-historical perspective

“Identity is Always Complex”: Teaching the Shared Histories of Israelis and Palestinians