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Monthly Digest: May 2023

Monthly Digest for May 2023

Monthly Digest: May 2023
Members Public

Monthly Digest: April 2023

Monthly Digest for April 2023

Monthly Digest: April 2023
Members Public

“Ruined and Plundered and Burned”: Historical Imagination, Lascars, and the Portuguese Arrival in the Indian Ocean

A discussion of teaching the arrival of the Portuguese in the Indian Ocean from the perspective of local sailors.

“Ruined and Plundered and Burned”: Historical Imagination, Lascars, and the Portuguese Arrival in the Indian Ocean
Members Public

Monthly Digest: September 2022

On the last day of each month, I will send out a post that includes some brief reflections on the past month, a recap of all the posts published during the previous month, and my monthly travel tale. My crazy dream has become reality Liberating Narratives began as a blog

Monthly Digest: September 2022
Members Public

“We Cannot Reckon How Great the Damage Is”: Origins of the Transatlantic Slave System, c.1450 - c.1650

Discussion of how to teach the origins of the transatlantic slave system with a focus on understanding the different regional and global consequences

“We Cannot Reckon How Great the Damage Is”: Origins of the Transatlantic Slave System, c.1450 - c.1650
Members Public

Two Views of Global Lisbon

In October of 2016, I was exploring the Navy Museum in Lisbon. For a country with such a rich maritime history, I was somewhat disappointed with the museum itself. But as I was wandering through the bookstore on my way out, I came across this incredible book by edited by

Two Views of Global Lisbon